

One of the four cases in German. It answers the questions Wem/Was? (whom/to whom/to what?). In a sentence with two objects, it usually describes the recipient of the activity being performed. The dative case Dativ is also used with certain prepositions (in particular when an activity doesn't involve motions or a change of state).


  • Translation
  • I am giving my dog a toy.
  • Explanation
  • Wem gebe ich ein Spielzeug? (Whom am I giving a toy to?)
  • Translation
  • Vanessa is helping her younger brother.
  • Explanation
  • Wem hilft Vanessa? (Whom is Vanessa helping? / Whom does Vanessa help?)
  • Translation
  • I am going to Berlin by car.
  • Explanation
  • Womit fahre ich? (With what am I driving? / By what means am I driving?)


We usually don't add anything else to the singular noun in Dativ. On the other hand, in the plural almost always either the suffix -n or -en is added.

Declension of the noun in the dative case
masculine feminine neutral plural
definite article dem Mann der Frau dem Kind den Leuten
indefinite article einem Mann einer Frau einem Kind Leuten


The dative case after certain prepositions

The noun is always in the dative case after the following prepositions: ab, aus, bei, gegenüber, mit, von, nach, seit, zu.

  • Translation
  • I am talking to the shop assistant.
  • Translation
  • After the surgery I felt much better.
The dative case after certain verbs

A noun is always in the dative case after the following verbs: danken, geben, gehören, helfen, sich nähern, weh|tun. (There are many more.)

  • Translation
  • Thank you.
  • Translation
  • The doctor is helping the injured boy.
  • Translation
  • My leg hurts.
  • Translation
  • The movie is coming to an end.

Exceptions and special cases


Plural nouns in the dative case (Dativ) get an additional suffix -n (except the nouns that end with -s).

  • Translation
  • with friends
  • Translation
  • opposite the red houses


  • Translation
  • In both kindergartens there is no space anymore.
The nouns belonging to the N-Deklination group in the Dativ case

The nouns belonging to the N-Deklination group are nouns (almost always masculine) that in the following cases Genitiv, Akkusativ and Dativ get an additional suffix -n or -en. (Details in the chapter about N-Deklination)

  • Translation
  • The boss thanks the assistant for help.
  • Translation
  • The company is arranging an appointment with a supplier.
  • Translation
  • The professor is congratulating the graduate.