

Examples of fractions

  • Translation
  • half
  • Translation
  • one fourth (or a quarter)
  • Translation
  • seven eighths
  • Translation
  • one hundredth
  • Translation
  • one thousandth

Construction of the fractions

Fractions consist of a numerator (der Zähler), a fraction bar (der Bruchstrich) and a denominator (der Nenner). We create fractions by putting a cardinal number (e.g. ein, zwei, fünf) in the numerator and an ordinal number (e.g. dritt, fünft) with the suffix -el in the denominator. All fractions except for the number one (eins) in the numerator and the half (halb) are not inflected.

Fraction as a noun

When we use a fraction as a noun, we write it with a capital letter.

  • Translation
  • I always cut tomatoes in quarters.
  • Explanation
  • Viertel in this example is used as a noun "a quarter".
Describing weight or measure

When describing the weigh or measurements, we write numerals in lower case.

  • Translation
  • a quarter of a liter of water
The numerals eins and halb

The numeral eins in the numerator is inflected like an indefinite article, (always singular) and the numeral halb is inflected like an adjective.

  • Translation
  • half a piece of Serrano ham
  • Translation
  • I poured a quarter of the contents of the can into the pot.

Exceptions and special cases

The noun derived from the numeral halb (half) is die Hälfte (a half).
  • Translation
  • I ate half the cake. 👉 I ate a half of the cake.
Numerals using the ein halb (half)

When the numeral ein halb is preceded by a whole number, we write everything as one word.

  • Translation
  • One and a half
  • Translation
  • Twelve and a half.
Fragment of a noun

When a fraction is combined with a noun to obtain the meaning of a fragment of the noun, then the newly created word uses only the denominator and the noun.

  • Translation
  • a shoe (a type of smart shoes with height to the ankle [think brogue]; in some languages literally: a half-shoe)
  • Translation
  • One eighth finals
  • Translation
  • quarter (15 minutes)
  • Translation
  • Half time