

The imperative mood is used to state orders (commands), polite requests or calls to do something.

Examples of sentences in the imperative mood

  • Translation
  • Wait!
  • Translation
  • Get out (alternatively: get off)
  • Translation
  • Please introduce yourself.
  • Translation
  • Please wait until you are called.
  • Translation
  • Let's drive! (Or let's go!)

Construction of the imperative

Singular, second person - du (you)

The -en suffix is removed from the infinitive. Oftentimes after removing it, a suffix -e needs to be added to make the pronunciation easier.

  • Translation
  • Come in!
  • Explanation
  • The verb rein|kommen (to enter inside); delete the -en ending, and the prefix of the separable compound verb goes to the end of the sentence.
  • Translation
  • Go home!
  • Explanation
  • The verb gehen (to go); the suffix -en is removed; additionally, the suffix -e might be added to make pronunciation easier.
First and third person plural (polite form) - wir (we) and Sie (you, polite form)

We simply put an infinitive in the first position in the sentence

  • Translation
  • Let's drive! (Or let's go!)
  • Translation
  • Please don't move!
  • Explanation
  • Sie in this sentence could refer to any combination (singular or plural, uniform or mixed gender) of: Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Miss
Plural, second person - ihr (you)

The -en suffix is removed from the infinitive and a -t suffix is added.

  • Translation
  • Help yourselves!
  • Explanation
  • The verb zu|greifen (to help oneself); the ending -en is removed and the suffix -t is added. The prefix of the separable verb is placed at the end of the sentence.
  • Translation
  • Please seat down.
  • Explanation
  • The verb setzen (to sit); the ending -en is removed and the suffix -t is added.

Exceptions and special cases

Special rules for the second person, singular - du (you)
  • Translation
  • Wait!
  • Explanation
  • When the verb stem ends with d, t, m, n, we usually add the suffix -e (unless there is one of the following letters at the end of the verb stem: m, n, l, r, h e.g. kommen (Komm!)
  • Translation
  • Help me!
  • Explanation
  • For some strong verbs the vowel change e 👉 i applies also in the imperative mood.
  • Translation
  • Read the book!
  • Explanation
  • For some strong verbs the vowel change e 👉 ie applies also in the imperative mood.
  • Translation
  • Drive faster!
  • Explanation
  • For strong verbs, the vowel change a 👉 ä does not apply in the imperative.
Special rules for the first person, plural - wir (we)

If the speaker belongs to the group to which the order/appeal refers, the construction lasst uns + infinitive (Infinitiv) can be used. This construction has the following meaning: let's do something (something that the second verb describes).

  • Translation
  • Let's eat.
  • Translation
  • Let's meet tomorrow.
  • Explanation
  • sich treffen (to meet) 👉 wir treffen uns (we are meeting). It is a reflexive verb and in addition it uses the lasst uns construct, hence uns uns.
Infinitive in the imperative mood.

The infinitive form of the verb in the imperative mode is also common. It can then refer to one or more persons.

  • Translation
  • Get out!
  • Translation
  • Don't move!