Conjunction sentences


In German, conjunction sentences are those consisting of two parts connected by a conjunction. Depending on the conjunction used, they have a specific order. Three order types are possible: simple, inverted, and with the verb at the end.

Construction of conjunctional clauses

Each word order imposes a specific position that the parts of speech in the sentence must take.

Simple order

Konjunktion + Subjekt + Objekt + Verb

A sentence that appears directly after one of the conjunctions: aber, oder, und, ... has the simple word order, that is, the same as single sentences: Conjunction + Subject + Predicate (Verb) + Object.

  • Translation
  • I am drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.
  • Explanation
  • Simple word order: subject (ich), predicate (lesen), object (eine Zeitung).
  • Translation
  • I am learning German, but I don't feel like doing it anymore.
  • Explanation
  • Simple word order: subject (ich), predicate (haben), object (keine Lust).
Inverted order

Konjunktion + Verb + Subjekt + Objekt

A sentence that appears after one of the conjunctions: deshalb, trotzdem, ... has the inverted word order: Conjunction + Predicate (Verb) + Subject + Object.

  • Translation
  • I have been learning German for a long time and that is why I understand the grammar well.
  • Explanation
  • Inverted word order: predicate (verstehen), subject (ich), object (die Grammatik).
Verb goes last

Konjunktion + Subjekt + Objekt + ... + Verb

The sentence that appears after one of the conjunctions: weil, dass, damit, ... has the word order with verb at the end: Conjunction + Subject + Object + ... + Predicate (Verb).

  • Translation
  • I have to go home now because I have a flight tomorrow in the morning.
  • Explanation
  • Word order with verb at the end: subject (ich), object (einen Flug), ... , at the end: predicate (haben).
Conjunctions grouped by word order
Simple order Verb goes last Inverted order
aber als allerdings
denn bevor also
denn bis andererseits
oder da außerdem
sondern dass dadurch
und falls dann
indem dennoch
nachdem deshalb
ob deswegen
seit einerseits
seitdem entweder ... oder
sobald genauso
sodass jedoch
sofern seitdem
solange somit
sooft sonst
soweit troztdem
während weder ... noch
weil zuvor
wenn zwar