Indefinite pronoun


We use the indefinite pronoun when we refer to something in a general (non-specific) way, e.g. everyone, each, someone, something.



Meaning: something.

Inflection: the pronoun etwas is not inflected; only the noun is inflected (if present).

etwas depending on the context may also mean: a bit / a little / some e.g. etwas Geld (some money); etwas Geduld (some patience).

By using the preposition irgend-, we can emphasize the generality/indefiniteness of the pronoun etwas 👉 irgendetwas (anything).

The pronoun etwas describes some indefinite thing
  • Translation
  • Do you have something to say?
etwas preceeding a noun derived from an adjective

When etwas directly preceeds a noun derived from an adjective, then the noun is always neuter and singular.

  • Translation
  • I want to buy something special for my wife.
  • Explanation
  • etwas Besonderes 👉 the noun was derived from the adjective (besonder - special), + the suffix -s/-es to account for the neuter gender, singular.

Meaning: nothing.

Inflection: the pronoun nichts is not inflected. If present, only the noun is inflected.

Nichts can also be used as a noun: 1. Das Nichts - nothingness (no plural), 2. aus dem Nichts - from nothing.

The pronoun nichts describes absence of something
  • Translation
  • I did not understand anything.
  • Translation
  • I have nothing to say.
nichts before a noun derived from an adjective

When nichts directly preceeds a noun derived from an adjective, then the noun is always neuter and singular.

  • Translation
  • We didn't learn anything new.
  • Explanation
  • nichts Neues 👉 the noun was derived from the adjective (neu - new), + suffix -s/-es to account for the noun's gender and singular form

Meaning: impersonal subject (e.g. man sagt - one says).

Inflection: verbs used with the pronoun man are always in the third person singular.

  • Translation
  • One says that sports is healthy.
  • Explanation
  • In this context the indefinite pronoun man has the following meaning: one says (or it is said).
  • Translation
  • Is parking allowed here?
  • Translation
  • People get depressed in winter.
  • Explanation
  • man in the accusative case (Akkusativ) has the following form: einen
  • Translation
  • It is hard not to eat sweets.
  • Explanation
  • man in the dative case (Dativ) has the form einem
Nominativ man
Genitiv -
Dativ einem
Akkusativ einen

Meaning: describes one or more persons/things of a given kind (some / certain).

Inflection: Like adjectives with an indefinite article.

  • Translation
  • Some people know two foreign languages.
  • Explanation
  • The pronoun manche as an article
  • Translation
  • It is hard for some to grasp two foreign languages.
  • Explanation
  • The pronoun manche replaces a noun
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ mancher manche manches manche
Genitiv manches mancher manches mancher
Dativ manchem mancher manchem manchen
Akkusativ manchen manche manches manche
jemand / niemand

Meaning: somebody (jemand) / nobody (niemand).

Inflection: only used in singular and is inflected for case.

  • Translation
  • Nobody believes me.
  • Translation
  • He is coming with someone to the party.
  • Explanation
  • zu [+Dativ] + die Party 👉 zur (zu + der) Party
Singular - jemand Singular - niemand
Nominativ jemand niemand
Genitiv jemands / jemandes niemands / niemandes
Dativ jemandem / jemand niemandem / niemand
Akkusativ jemanden / jemand niemanden / niemand

In the dative (Dativ) and accusative (Akkusativ) case, the pronouns jemand and niemand may be inflected or not. Both forms are valid.

By using the prefix irgend-, we can emphasize the generality of the pronoun jemand 👉 irgendjemand (whoever).


Meaning: all. Inflection: for cases and genders, and when it stands before a definite article, the pronoun all- does not inflect.

  • Translation
  • Everybody wants to eat pizza.
  • Explanation
  • alle replaces a noun
  • Translation
  • Not all people know two foreign languages.
  • Explanation
  • alle as an article
  • Translation
  • Is everything all right with you?
  • Translation
  • all these years
  • Explanation
  • The pronoun all always stays unchanged before the definite article
  • Translation
  • I wish you all the best.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ aller alle alles alle
Genitiv alles aller alles aller
Dativ allem aller allem allen
Akkusativ allen alle alles alle

Meaning: several / some.

Inflection: for case and gender.

  • Translation
  • The train arrives in a couple of minutes.
  • Explanation
  • einig as an article
  • Translation
  • I have some things to say.
  • Explanation
  • einig replaces a noun (which in this context means: einige Sachen/Anmerkungen zu sagen - some things/remarks to say)
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ einiger einige einiges einige
Genitiv einigen einiger einigen einiger
Dativ einigem einiger einigem einigen
Akkusativ einigen einige einiges einige

In singular, the pronoun einig describes an uncountable noun (having the meaning: some / a bit of) e.g. Ich rauche seit einiger Zeit. (I have been smoking for some time.) and in plural, it describes a countable noun e.g. einige Bücher (several books)


Meaning: many / several. Inflection: for case, used only in plural.

  • Translation
  • More people want to eat a pizza.
  • Explanation
  • mehrere replaces a noun
  • Translation
  • The company sells multiple products.
  • Explanation
  • mehrere as an article
Nominativ mehrere
Genitiv mehrerer
Dativ mehreren
Akkusativ mehrere

Meaning: any

Inflection: can only be used in singular and is inflected for the cases. If it is used as an article then it is inflected the same way the indefinite article does and when it replaces a noun then it is inflected like the indefinite article ein.

  • Translation
  • I have to buy some kind of present for my mother.
  • Explanation
  • irgendein as an article
  • Translation
  • Someone must be interested with this subject.
  • Explanation
  • irgendein replaces a noun (someone, a person)
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum
Nominativ irgendein [+er] irgendeine irgendein [+(e)s]
Genitiv irgendeines irgendeiner irgendeines
Dativ irgendeinem irgendeiner irgendeinem
Akkusativ irgendeinen irgendeine irgendein [+(e)s]

The form in brackets [+ ...] is used when the pronoun irgendein replaces a noun, then sometimes it is necessary to add an appropriate suffix. The other forms are the same both as an article and as a substitute of a noun


Meaning: any / some. In singular, it refers to some undefined quantity (or dimension) and in plural, it refers to an undefined number of people/things of a given kind.

Inflection: like the indefinite pronoun welch.

  • Translation
  • We need a vacation spot recommendation. Do you have any?
  • Explanation
  • irgendwelche replaces a noun
  • die Empfehlung(en) - a recommendation (recommendations); a countable noun, plural, refers to some number of recommendations
  • Translation
  • I ran out of bread. Do you have some?
  • Explanation
  • irgendwelche replaces a noun
  • das Brot - bread; an uncountable noun, singular, refers to some amount of bread
  • Translation
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Explanation
  • irgendwelche as an article
  • die Frage(n) - a question (questions); a countable noun, plural, refer to some number of questions
  • Translation
  • Do you fell any discomfort?
  • Explanation
  • irgendwelches as an article
  • das Unbehagen - discomfort (no plural); an uncountable noun, singular, refers to some quantity of discomfort
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ irgendwelcher irgendwelche irgendwelches irgendwelche
Genitiv irgendwelches irgendwelcher irgendwelches irgendwelcher
Dativ irgendwelchem irgendwelcher irgendwelchem irgendwelchen
Akkusativ irgendwelchen irgendwelche irgendwelches irgendwelche

Meaning: each.

Inflection: for case and gender (no plural).

  • Translation
  • Everyone can ask questions.
  • Explanation
  • jeder replaces a noun (jeder Mensch)
  • Translation
  • We will find something for everyone.
  • Explanation
  • jeden replaces a noun (für jeden Mensch)
  • Translation
  • There are new special offers every week.
  • Explanation
  • jede as an article
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ jeder jede jedes -
Genitiv jedes jeder jedes -
Dativ jedem jeder jedem -
Akkusativ jeden jede jedes -

In the genitive case (Genitiv), when the pronoun jeder replaces a noun, we need to precede it with the word eines (or with einer, depending on the gender) and to inflect the jeder like an adjective. E.g. Es ist Pflicht eines jeden, Steuer zu zahlen. - It is everyone's responsibility to pay taxes., (Es ist Pflicht jedes, Steuer zu zahlen.)


Meaning: everyone.

Inflection: only used to replace a noun in singular and is inflected for the cases.

  • Translation
  • This is not for everyone.
  • Explanation
  • jedermanns replaces a noun (e.g. instead of jedes Menschen - every human's / jeder Person - every person's)
  • Translation
  • Everyone is welcome here.
Nominativ jedermann
Genitiv jedermanns
Dativ jedermann
Akkusativ jedermann

Meaning: a ... / one (usually refers to the previously mentioned person or thing).

Inflection: for cases (no plural) and can only be used to replace a noun.

  • Translation
  • 🤔 Do you have a dog? 👉 Yes, I have a dog.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ einer eine eins welche
Genitiv eines einer eines welcher
Dativ einem einer einem welchen
Akkusativ einen eine eins welche

For singular uncountable nouns, the pronoun welch- should be used instead of the pronoun ein- e.g. Ich brauche mehr Mehl. Hast du welches? (I need more flour. Do you have some? (Hast du eines?)

The pronoun ein- is also used to say "one (out) of" e.g. Das ist einer der berühmtesten Regisseure. (der Regisseur 👉 einer + Genitiv) or Das ist einer von den berühmtesten Regisseure. (der Regisseur 👉 einer + von + Dativ)


Meaning: none. Inflection: for case and gender.

  • Translation
  • There is no news.
  • Explanation
  • kein as an article
  • Translation
  • I don't like any of these sweaters. (literally: None of these sweaters is to my liking.)
  • Explanation
  • keiner replaces a noun (no sweater)
  • Translation
  • Nobody knows that.
  • Explanation
  • keiner replaces a noun (no person)
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ keiner keine keins keine
Genitiv keines keiner keines keiner
Dativ keinem keiner keinem keinen
Akkusativ keinen keine keins keine

Meaning: some (usually refers to the previously mentioned things).

Inflection: for case and gender.

  • Translation
  • I need some change. Do you have some/any?
  • Explanation
  • keine replaces the noun (das Kleingeld - pocket money, no plural)
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ welcher welche welches welche
Genitiv welches welcher welches welcher
Dativ welchem welcher welchem welchen
Akkusativ welchen welche welches welche