

The nouns belonging to the N-Deklination group are nouns (almost always masculine) that in the following cases Genitiv, Akkusativ and Dativ get an additional suffix -n or -en. The only exception is the word: das Herz (heart). There are several rules that help to remember nouns belonging to the N-Deklination group.


Majority of the masculine nouns ending with -e
  • Translation
  • Please spell your last name.
  • Explanation
  • der Name may mean first name or last name (depending on the context); if needed, the more precise options are: der Vorname (first name) and der Nachname (last name)


  • Translation
  • cheese
  • Translation
  • tee
  • Translation
  • coffee
  • Translation
  • lake

List of nouns from this group

Noun Translation
der Buchstabe a letter (character; written symbol)
der Funke spark
der Ganze whole (noun) / entirety
der Gedanke a thought
der Glaube faith
der Unglaube disbelief
der Name name / first name / last name
der Wille will (philosophy; e.g. free will)
Masculine nouns ending with -e used to describe people
  • Translation
  • Mother is giving sweets to a boy.
  • Explanation
  • der Junge - a boy
  • Translation
  • The police are interrogating the witness.
  • Explanation
  • der Zeuge - a witness

The most common nouns from this group

Noun Translation
der Angsthase coward
der Bote postman
der Bube jack (playing card)
der Bursche youngster / stripling
der Erbe heir / inheritor
der Experte expert
der Gatte spouse
der Gefährte companion
der Heide pagan
der Hirte shepherd
der Insasse passenger/inmate
der Junge boy
der Junggeselle bachelor; single man
der Matrose sailor
der Knabe boy
der Kollege colleague
der Kommilitone fellow student
der Komplize accomplice
der Kunde client
der Lotse pilot
der Laie layman
der Neffe nephew
der Pate godfather
der Riese giant
der Sklave slave
der Zeuge witness
Masculine nouns ending with -e used to describe animals
  • Translation
  • Somebody is giving the monkey a banana.

List of nouns from the group of animals

Noun Translation
der Affe monkey
der Bulle bull
der Coyote coyot
der Drache dragon
der Hase rabbit
der Falke falcon
der Löwe lion
der Ochse donkey
der Rabe raven
der Schimpanse chimpanzee
Masculine nouns ending with -e used to describe nationalities
  • Translation
  • This wine tastes great to the French. (or The French really likes the taste of the wine.)
  • Translation
  • What is the name of the richest Chinese?

List of nouns from the group of nationalities

Noun Translation
der Afghane Afghan
der Brite Briton
der Bulgare Bulgarian
der Chinese Chinese
der Chilene Chilean
der Däne Dane
der Deutsche German
der Franzose French
der Finne Finn
der Grieche Greek
der Ire Irishman
der Jude Jew
der Jugoslawe Yugoslavian
der Kroate Croat
der Kurde Kurdish
der Libanese Lebanese
der Mongole Mongolian
der Pole Pole
der Portugiese Portuguese
der Russe Russian
der Rumanäe Romanian
der Schotte Scot
der Schwede Swede
der Slowake Slovakian
der Tscheche Czech
der Türke Turk
der Ungar Hungarian
der Vietnamese Vietnamese
Masculine nouns ending with -ant, -and, -ad, -at, -ent, -ist, -oge, -graf, -ot, -soph, -urg

The nouns from this group usually describe people, animals or professions

  • Translation
  • The police arrested the demonstrator.
  • Translation
  • The professor is speaking to the student.
List of nouns from this group (suffixes: -and, -ant, -ent, -et)
  • Translation
  • The company is negotiating with a supplier.
Noun Translation
der Absolvent graduate
der Agent agent
der Athlet athlete
der Assistent assistant
der Astronaut astronaut
der Demonstrant demonstrant
der Diamant diamond
der Dirigent conductor
der Doktorand PhD student
der Elefant elephant
der Emigrant emigrant
der Konsonant consonant
der Konsument consumer
der Komet comet
der Lieferant supplier / provider / deliverer
der Musikant musician
der Student student
der Planet planet
der Praktikant trainee / intern
der Präsident president
der Produzent producer
List of nouns from this group (suffixes: -ad, -at, -nom, -oge, -soph, -urg)
  • Translation
  • The surgeon successfully performed the surgery (or was successful in the operation).
Noun Translation
der Automat automated machine (e.g. ATM or vending machine)
der Biologe biologist
der Bürokrat bureaucrat
der Chirurg surgeon
der Diplomat diplomat
der Gynäkologe gynecologist
der Philosoph philosopher
der Kamerad comrade
der Kandidat candidate
der Pädagoge pedagogue
der Soldat Soldier
der Soziologe sociologist
der Radiologe radiologist
der Ökonom economist
List of nouns from this group (suffixes: -ist)
  • Translation
  • The football player is talking to a journalist after the game.
Noun Translation
der Autist autistic
der Anarchist anarchist
der Christ Christian
der Egoist egoist
der Idealist idealist
der Journalist journalist
der Kapitalist capitalist
der Kommunist communist
der Polizist policeman
der Sozialist socialist
der Spezialist specialist
der Terrorist terrorist
der Tourist tourist
List of nouns from this group (suffixes: -lit)
  • Translation
  • The research centre gathers data from a satellite.
Noun Translation
der Satellit satellite
der Metropolit metropolitan
der Israelit Israelite
der Kosmopolit cosmopolitan

Exceptions and special cases

In the list below you will find nouns that do not fall into any of the above groups, but still belong to the N-Deklination group.

  • Translation
  • The bear's coat is brown.

Other nouns

Noun Translation
der Architekt architect
der Bauer farmer
der Bär bear
der Chaot chaotic person
der Depp fool
der Held hero
der Herr Mr / sir
das Herz heart
der Hydrant hydrant
der Favorit favorite (a noun; a person favored by the majority)
der Fink finch
der Fürst prince
der Fotograf photograph
der Idiot idiot
der Katholik catholic
der Nachbar neighbour
der Mensch human
der Narr jester / fool
der Pilot pilot
der Prinz prince
der Rebell rebel