Reflexive pronoun


We use reflexive pronouns when a person does something to himself/herself (a reflexive verb) or when the activity refers to at least two or more persons/things and is mutual (reciprocal verb).

Declension of the reflexive pronoun

Reflexive pronoun is inflected for case (only Dativ and Akkusativ).

Person Dativ Akkusativ
ich mir mich
du dir dich
er/sie/es sich sich
wir uns uns
ihr euch euch
sie/Sie sich sich

The reflexive pronoun and its applications

Reflexive verbs
  • Translation
  • I am washing (literally: myself) my hands.
  • Translation
  • I wash myself every day.
  • Translation
  • I am happy.
  • Translation
  • He is nervous because of his job.
Reciprocal verbs
  • Translation
  • We are meeting (literally: ourselves).
  • Explanation
  • We are meeting each other. (you with me and me with you)
  • Translation
  • Julian and Lothar know each other.
  • Explanation
  • Julian knows Lothar and Lothar knows Julian.