Modal verbs


There are 6 modal verbs in German. They are a special group of verbs from the grammar point of view, as they are most often in a sentence with another verb, they change the order of the sentence, and they always have the same form in the first and third person singular (ich, er/sie/es). In any past tense, the auxiliary verb for modal verbs is always haben.

  • wollen (to want)
  • müssen (must)
  • mögen (to like)
  • dürfen (to be allowed to)
  • sollen (should)
  • können (can / to be able to)

Examples of sentences with modal verbs

  • Translation
  • We have to go to school.
  • Translation
  • I wanted to go to the park yesterday, but it rained heavily.
  • Translation
  • I like football very much.
  • Translation
  • Parking is not allowed here.
  • Translation
  • We should go back home now.
  • Translation
  • Jan can speak German.

Declension, word orders, and applications

Person wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich will muss mag darf soll kann
du willst musst magst darfst sollst kannst
er/sie/es will muss mag darf soll kann
wir wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ihr wollt müsst mögt dürft sollt könnt
sie/Sie wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
Word order
  • Translation
  • I want to eat a pizza.
  • Explanation
  • Present tense, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: conjugated modal verb wollen + an infinitive at the end.
  • Translation
  • I am not eating anything for lunch because I want to eat pizza in the evening.
  • Explanation
  • Present tense, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: at the end: an infinitive + conjugated modal verb wollen.
  • Translation
  • I want to go eat a pizza.
  • Explanation
  • Present tense, a modal verb + 2 other verbs, word order: conjugated modal verb wollen + 2 infinitives at the end.
  • Translation
  • You have to hurry up because I want to go eat pizza.
  • Explanation
  • Present tense, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 2 other verbs, word order: at the end: 2 infinitives + conjugated modal verb wollen.
  • Translation
  • The patient has to be operated on today.
  • Explanation
  • Present tense, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + auxiliary verb werden, word order: conjugated modal verb müssen + the past participle Partizip II of the verb operieren + the auxiliary verb werden to form the passive voice.
  • Translation
  • The nurse called the surgeon because the patient had to be operated on today.
  • Explanation
  • Present tense, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + auxiliary verb werden, word order: at the end the past participle Partizip II of the verb operieren + the auxiliary verb werden to form the passive voice + conjugated modal verb müssen
Person wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich wollte musste mochte durfte sollte konnte
du wolltest musstest mochtest durftest solltest konntest
er/sie/es wollte musste mochte durfte sollte konnte
wir wollten mussten mochten durften sollten konnten
ihr wolltet musstet mochtet durftet solltet konntet
sie/Sie wollten mussten mochten durften sollten konnten
Word order
  • Translation
  • I wanted to eat a pizza.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Präteritum, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: conjugated modal verb wollen + an infinitive at the end.
  • Translation
  • I ate little for lunch yesterday because I wanted to eat pizza in the evening.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Präteritum, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: at the end: an infinitive + conjugated modal verb wollen.
  • Translation
  • I wanted to go eat a pizza.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Präteritum, a modal verb + 2 other verbs, word order: at the end: conjugated modal verb wollen + 2 infinitives.
  • Translation
  • I ate little for lunch yesterday because I wanted to go eat pizza in the evening.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Präteritum, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 2 other verbs, word order: at the end: 2 infinitives + conjugated modal verb wollen.
  • Translation
  • The patient had to be operated on yesterday.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Präteritum, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: conjugated modal verb müssen in the tense Präteritum + at the end: past participle Partizip II for the verb operieren + auxiliary verb werden.
  • Translation
  • The surgeon came to the hospital at night because a patient had to be operated on.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Präteritum, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: past participle Partizip II for the verb operieren + auxiliary verb werden + conjugated modal verb müssen in the tense Präteritum.
Person + haben wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich habe gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
du hast gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
er/sie/es hat gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
wir haben gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
ihr habt gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
sie/Sie haben gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
Word order
  • Translation
  • I never wanted a lot of money.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, a modal verb + 0 other verbs, word order: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + the verb wollen in the Partizip II form.
  • Quite rare case because modal verbs are usually used with another verb.
  • Translation
  • I never thought of a well-paid job because I never wanted a lot of money.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, a modal verb + 0 other verbs, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: the verb wollen in the Partizip II form + the conjugated auxiliary verb haben.
  • Translation
  • I never wanted to earn a lot of money.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + an infinitive + an infinitive of the auxiliary verb wollen.
  • This form is definitely more often used than the form with a single modal verb.
  • Translation
  • I never thought of a well-paid job because I never wanted to earn a lot of money.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + an infinitive + infinitive of the modal verb wollen.
  • Translation
  • Yesterday I ate little for lunch because I wanted to go eat pizza in the evening.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 2 other verbs, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + 2 infinitives + infinitive of the modal verb wollen.
  • Translation
  • The patient had to be operated on yesterday.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verb, word order: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + the verb operieren in the Partizip II form + auxiliary verb werden + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • The surgeon came to the hospital at night because a patient had to be operated on.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verbs, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + the verb operieren in the Partizip II form + auxiliary verb werden + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
Person + haben (Präteritum) wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich hatte gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
du hattest gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
er/sie/es hatte gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
wir hatten gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
ihr hattet gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
sie/Sie hatten gewollt gemüsst gemocht gedurft gesollt gekonnt
Word order
  • Translation
  • Before I was able to drive, I had had to get a driving license.
  • Explanation
  • Tense: Plusquamperfekt, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: conjugated auxiliary verb haben + at the end: an infinitive + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • During the driving test I was tired because I had to study all night.
  • Explanation
  • Tense: Plusquamperfekt, a modal verb + 1 other verb, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: conjugated auxiliary verb haben + an infinitive + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • The patient had had to be operated on before his family arrived to the hospital.
  • Explanation
  • Tense: Plusquamperfekt, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verbs, word order: conjugated auxiliary verb haben + at the end: past participle Partizip II of the verb operieren + auxiliary verb werden + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • The family was nervous because Thomas had had to be operated before their arrival.
  • Explanation
  • Tense: Plusquamperfekt, subordinate clause, passive voice, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verbs, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: conjugated auxiliary verb haben + past participle Partizip II of the verb operieren + auxiliary verb werden + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
Person + werden wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich werde wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
du wirst wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
er/sie/es wird wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
wir werden wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ihr werdet wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
sie/Sie werden wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
Word order
  • Translation
  • I will have to go home soon.
  • Explanation
  • The future tense Futur I, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: conjugated auxiliary verb werden to form the tense Futur I + at the end: infinitive + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • We are saying goodbye now, because I will have to go home soon.
  • Explanation
  • The future tense Futur I, subordinate clause, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: conjugated auxiliary verb werden to form the tense Futur I + infinitive + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • The patient will have to be operated on soon.
  • Explanation
  • The future tense Futur I, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verbs, word order: conjugated auxiliary verb werden to form the tense Futur I + at the end: past participle Partizip II for the verb operieren + auxiliary verb werden to form the passive voice + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
  • Translation
  • The nurse is calling the surgeon because the patient will have to be operated on soon.
  • Explanation
  • The future tense Futur I, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verbs, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: conjugated auxiliary verb werden to form the tense Futur I + past participle Partizip II for the verb operieren + auxiliary verb werden to form the passive voice + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.

The tense Futur II is very rarely used (with modal verbs even more rarely).

Person + werden + ... + haben wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich werde wollen haben müssen haben mögen haben dürfen haben sollen haben können haben
du wirst wollen haben müssen haben mögen haben dürfen haben sollen haben können haben
er/sie/es wird wollen haben müssen haben mögen haben dürfen haben sollen haben können haben
wir werden wollen haben müssen haben mögen haben dürfen haben sollen haben können haben
ihr werdet wollen haben müssen haben mögen haben dürfen haben sollen haben können haben
sie/Sie werden wollen haben müssen haben mögen haben dürfen haben sollen haben können haben
Word order
  • Translation
  • Before Peter's family arrives to the hospital, the surgeon will have started the surgery.
  • Explanation
  • The future tense Futur II, a modal verb + 1 other verb + 2 auxiliary verbs, word order: the auxiliary verb werden + at the end: auxiliary verb haben + an infinitive + infinitive of the modal verb müssen.
Person wollen müssen mögen dürfen sollen können
ich wollte müsste möchte dürfte sollte könnte
du wolltest müsstest möchtest dürftest solltest könntest
er/sie/es wollte müsste möchte dürfte sollte könnte
wir wollten müssten möchten dürften sollten könnten
ihr wolltet müsstet möchtet dürftet solltet könntet
sie/Sie wollten müssten möchten dürften sollten könnten
Word order
  • Translation
  • If I could I would help you.
  • Explanation
  • The subjunctive Konjunktiv II, one modal verb + 0 other verbs + word order: the conjunction wenn + at the end: the modal verb können in the Konjunktiv II form.

Exceptions and special cases

The verbs hören, sehen, lassen

The verbs hören, sehen, lassen in the past tenses Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt are conjugated exactly the same as modal verbs.

  • Translation
  • I heard a musician playing the piano.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, the verb hören (like a modal verb) + 1 other verb + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: auxiliary verb haben + at the end: infinitive of the verb spielen + infinitive of the verb hören.
  • Translation
  • I was scared, because I saw an unknown car going towards me.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Perfekt, subordinate clause, the verb sehen (like a modal verb) + 1 other verb + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: ..., weil ... + at the end: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben + infinitive of the verb fahren + infinitive of the verb sehen .
  • Translation
  • After I had heard someone playing piano I knew someone was in the house.
  • Explanation
  • The past tense Plusquamperfekt, subordinate clause, the verb hören (like a modal verb) + 1 other verb, + 1 auxiliary verb, word order: Nachdem ... + at the end: the conjugated auxiliary verb haben in the Präteritum tense + infinitive of the verb spielen + infinitive of the verb hören.