Demonstrative pronoun


We use the demonstrative pronoun to point to a specific person/thing, emphasize it or select it from a group. It can be used both as an article and as a substitute for a noun.

Examples of using demonstrative pronouns

Selection from a group

The demonstrative pronoun points to a specific thing and selects it from the group.

  • Translation
  • 🤔 Which sweater do you like? This or that one? 👉 This one.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun points to a specific thing (this sweater) and selects it from the group (e.g. from a group of several sweaters).
The role of the pronoun

Demonstrative pronoun can be used as an article or as a subsitute of a noun.

  • Translation
  • I would like to eat the same chocolate.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun dieselbe as an article.
  • Translation
  • 🤔 Which chocolate would you like to eat? 👉 The same one.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun dieselbe (=dieselbe Schokolade) replacing a noun.

The demonstrative pronoun and its applications


The base form: dies- + suffix depending on the case and gender. The pronoun dies- in comparison to the pronoun jen- indicates something closer or present (e.g. something we are looking at at the moment).

  • Translation
  • I like this car.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun points to a specific thing (this particular car) and selects it from a group (e.g. from a group of several cars).
  • Translation
  • 🤔 Which car do you like? 👉 This one.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun replaces a noun (this car).
  • Translation
  • I passed the exam. This makes me very happy.
  • Explanation
  • Dies in its base form can also refer to an entire sentence.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ dieser diese dieses diese
Genitiv dieses dieser dieses dieser
Dativ diesem dieser diesem diesen
Akkusativ diesen diese dieses diese

The base form: jen- + suffix depending on the case and gender. The pronoun jen- compared to the pronoun dies- indicates something further or earlier (e.g. something we've seen before).

  • Translation
  • I liked that car better.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun jen- as an article
  • Translation
  • We are buying that one, not this one.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun jen- replaces the noun: jenes Auto (that auto), e.g. in a situation when we saw another product earlier and we like it more than the one we are watching now.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ jener jene jenes jene
Genitiv jenes jener jenes jener
Dativ jenem jener jenem jenen
Akkusativ jenen jene jenes jene
der / die / das / die

The relative pronoun der / die / das / die refers to a specific person or thing. Unlike dieser (which specifies proximity) and jener (which specifies distance), it does not apply to location. It may point to a word mentioned in an earlier sentence or in a sentence yet to follow.

  • Translation
  • It was the man.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun jen- as an article
  • Translation
  • That one we have to find.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun den- replaces the noun: den Mann (that man).
  • Translation
  • Do you know this neighbour? I haven't seen him before.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun den (Akkusativ; Maskulinum) is referring to the previously mentioned person.
  • Translation
  • Those who did that will pay for it.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun die (Nominativ; Plural) refers to a sentence that follows.
  • Translation
  • Last year I had a car accident. I will never forget that.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun das (Nominativ; Neutrum) can refer to the entire sentence that was mentioned earlier (we always use the pronoun das in this case ).
  • Translation
  • the mentality of people who speak multiple languages
  • Explanation
  • In the genitive case (Genitiv) in the plural (Plural) the pronoun derer is used to refer to a word that will follow.
  • Translation
  • multilingual people and their mentality
  • Explanation
  • In the genitive case (Genitiv) in the plural (Plural) the pronoun deren is used in order to refer to a previously mentioned word.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ der die das die
Genitiv dessen deren dessen deren / derer
Dativ dem der dem denen
Akkusativ den die das die

The pronoun derjenige refers to something that will be described in the subordinate clause that follows. The pronoun derjenige consists of two parts: der (declines like a definite article) + jenige (declines like an adjective).

  • Translation
  • Those who do a lot of sports are healthier.
  • Translation
  • The man who did it will pay for it.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun derjenige- as an article
  • Translation
  • The one who did it will pay for it.
  • Explanation
  • The demonstrative pronoun derjenige- replaces a noun.
  • When the demonstrative pronoun der / die / das / die is the same as the relative pronoun (e.g. Der, der das gemacht hat, .. ) the use of the demonstrative pronoun derjenige is preferred.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ derjenige diejenige dasjenige diejenigen
Genitiv desjenigen derjenigen desjenigen derjenigen
Dativ demjenigen derjenigen demjenigen denjenigen
Akkusativ denjenigen diejenige dasjenige diejenigen

The pronoun derselbe refers to exactly the same thing (e.g. the same thing or person).

  • Translation
  • I would like to eat the same chocolate.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun dieselbe as an article.
  • Translation
  • 🤔 Which chocolate would you like to eat? 👉 The same one.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun dieselbe (=dieselbe Schokolade) replacing a noun.
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ derselbe dieselbe dasselbe dieselben
Genitiv desselben derselben desselben derselben
Dativ demselben derselben demselben denselben
Akkusativ denselben dieselbe dasselbe dieselben

A synonym of derselbe is der gleiche (written separately; don't confuse with dergleichen); gleich - equal / the same. E.g. dieselbe Schokolade (=die gleiche Schokolade) 👉 the same chocolate. There is one exception, however. Namely, when we want to express that we refer to the very same thing (and not to a thing of the similar kind). E.g. Sie hat denselben Sitz. (She has the same seat.) in contrast to: Sie hat den gleichen Sitz. (She has the same [type of] seat.)

derlei / dergleichen

The pronouns derlei and dergleichen refer to something of the same kind. These pronouns do not inflect.

  • Translation
  • Something like this has already happened to me.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun dergleichen replaces a noun
  • Translation
  • Diseases of this kind are rare.
  • Explanation
  • Demonstrative pronoun derlei as an article

dgl. is the abbreviation of dergleichen

Another word with similar meaning is derartig (an adjective inflected for case and gender) e.g. derartiges Problem (=dergleichen Problem) 👉 this kind of problem

selbst / selber

The pronouns Selbst / Selber indicate that it is only about one thing or that it is about something in itself. These pronouns do not inflect. Besides, we only use the pronoun selber in everyday language.

  • Translation
  • I was surprised myself.
  • Translation
  • The theory itself was difficult.
  • Translation
  • He thinks only about himself.
  • Translation
  • It goes without saying.

selbst can also be used as a noun meaning "I or me personally / myself" 👉 das Selbst (no plural)

selbst it can also be used as an adverb meaning "even" e.g. selbst wenn ... (even if ...), selbst du kannst Spaghetti kochen (even you can cook a Spaghetti)


The pronoun solch- is used to indicate the type of something (e.g. such as ...) or to emphasize its features / quality.

  • Translation
  • Such employees are the key to success.
  • Explanation
  • solch as an article
  • Translation
  • We don't need people like that in the company.
  • Explanation
  • solch replaces a noun
  • Translation
  • Such an employee can be decisive.
  • Explanation
  • solch as an adjective (in that case it is always used with either an indefinite article e.g. ein or with expressions describing the quantity/amount e.g. viele solche Mitarbeiter (many such employees).
Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ solcher solche solches solche
Genitiv solchen solcher solchen solcher
Dativ solchem solcher solchem solchen
Akkusativ solchen solche solches solche