Relative pronoun


It is used to build a relative clause in which it refers to a previously mentioned noun.

Declension of the relative pronoun

The relative pronoun is inflected for gender and case.

Maskulinum Femininum Neutrum Plural
Nominativ der/welcher die/welche das/welches die/welche
Genitiv dessen deren dessen deren
Dativ dem/welchem der/welcher dem/welchem denen/welchen
Akkusativ den/welchen die/welche das/welches die/welche


Examples of sentences using relative pronouns
  • Translation
  • This is the student who got the best grade.
  • Translation
  • This is the student whose backpack was left in the classroom.
  • Translation
  • This is the student whom the teacher devotes a lot of time.
  • Translation
  • This is the student whom we would like to have in our team.